Friday, October 11, 2013

The problem with Instagram - a very late Roundhouse Reveal

I LOVE Instagram. Probably too much. And it is 100% the reason my blogging has slowed down. The quick and easy sharing, and the instant gratification of all those , it's just so easy to move onto the next project without taking a moment to get proper pictures, edit them, and then blog them. I'm trying to remedy that, I really am. But in the midst of my insta-craze I never blogged about this. The most awesome thing ever!!!!!

My very sweet and incredibly talented friend Tracey of traceyjay quilts asked me way way earlier this year to make an alternate color version of a quilt she designed. She was able to get me some of the beautiful Happy Go Lucky line by Bonnie & Camille before it was released, and in March I finished it up, snapped some pics and emailed them off. And way back in March this is all I shared. happygolucky
And way back in August I should have blogged to finally show you the whole thing, so here it is, better late than never, right? Introducing: Roundhouse by traceyjay quilts
Roundhouse Happy Go Lucky
And do you know why I couldn't share it before August? Because Tracey's pattern and my lovely little bad winter lighting photo showed up the Sept 2013 edition of American Quilter!!! *squeals of delight!!!!* That's my quilt, my name in print!!
It's a fantastic pattern, and hopefully you can still get your hands on a copy of the magazine, I got mine at Barnes & Noble back in August, but I know Joanns carries it, and they seam to keep theirs around longer than typical newsstands.
And you really need to go take a closer look at Tracey's because it is to die for. I wish it were mine. (And even more embarrassing for my poor blogging, since Tracey shared hers in July!!)
And with that I promise not to wait 3 months to share big news again.
So I guess I should tell you now my hubby is deploying again sometime after the new year. It'll be our second deployment, and should be shorter than the first. It will be hard, but there are some important benefits it'll give my hubby's career and our family so we are all sucking it up. No sympathy needed, just some of your awesome support. I'm an Army wife, I've got this. =)


  1. That's a beautiful quilt! Congratulations!

  2. I love your version! What a great pattern! I know somewhat how you feel, my daughter's husband is military and the deployments are so hard for them...

  3. I love your quilt! And this is the exact reason I haven't jumped into blogging yet. I'd love to start one but IG is so quick that I'll probably end up with a pretty sparse blog.

  4. You're awesome. Love your quilt!

  5. Hey! I have that magazine! I'm going to go flag it right now. Great job, whenever it was blogged.

  6. Ahh! Amazing! Congratulations!! :D

  7. Ahhh!! So amazing!! Congratulations!! :D


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