Monday, February 27, 2012

Farmer's Wife Week 9

Is this thing still on?! Please leave a comment to let me know you are still around, quilting a long or just rooting me on!

Block 13 Buckwheat
Block 56 Maple Leaf
Next week we'll be making blocks 43 & 55


  1. I love watching your progress and your fabrics.

  2. I am definitely quilting along....just a few weeks behind! I will catch up either this week or next. My quilt is for my daughter, and she has been asking. I love your blocks:)

  3. so cute! This is going to be amazing. :)

  4. These pieces are especially gorgeous! Last week's were among my favorite, too:)

  5. February has been so crazy! I'm getting caught up this week and hopefully won't have any further impediments to progress. My recent lack of sewing has made be cranky :)

  6. I just finished these two, between this weekend and today. I have 3 blocks left before I'll be caught up! I'm going to take some pictures to add to the Flikr group when I get those done. :)


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