Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are you reading?

I added a new tab ^^ to my blog. My reading list. If I don't keep a list I don't remember what I read. All to often I find myself with the same book from the library thinking "This is vaguely familiar..."

I also want to read too many books I end up reading multiple books at a time. And then of course I get distracted by a quilt project, or spend too much time on the internet, and then I don't finish any books. 2010 was a great year for reading. 2011 not so much. I hope 2012 is good, but then, you've all seen my 2012 Challenge list...

What are you currently reading?


  1. Looks like we have some of the same reading obstacles :) I'm currently reading, "Getting Stoned with Savages" for the 2nd time. It is excellent. And "Extreme Sharon Osborne" It's an autobiography and very interesting.

  2. I just started reading again after about 8 years of only reading magazines (quilting). I am reading "Mystery" books. They are sooooo good!! I'm kinda getting scared at night reading them. I'm a chicken when it comes to scary things, like mystery books. But I can't seem to put them down now. I'm on my third one in two weeks. So, I bet you can tell that I'm not quilting right now, I'm READING!!!


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