Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WIP Wednesday 9/19

If you are a regular reader you know I got the hexie quilt done! Yay!
If you're just stopping by for WIP Wednesday, this is for you, bigger pics can be found at ^that link.
Another big accomplish was re-vamping my 2012 Quilts page. I decided I wanted pictures rather than a list. Check it out! They are all numbered and linked to the corresponding blog post, and now I can easily tell how many I have finished and how many I have left to go.
Besides that not much else has been going on over here. For the past 10 days my whole house has been working through a cold and we are finally getting back to normal, but I haven't gotten my sew-jo back quite yet.
I still have my pile of quilts to quilt (plus a couple more)
My design wall hasn't changed.
I did manage to finish up my little table runner.
And before I got hit too hard with the bug, I managed to quilt this little whole cloth baby quilt. Monday I get the binding sewn on, I just haven't managed to turn it yet. Look how cute that fabric is! It's Yardsale Toss in multi by Dear Stella. Just perfect for a little baby to do some tummy-time on. (And look I did that squiggly quilting again, with variegated thread. It makes me happy.)
 When I went to take a picture of that ^, I found these hexies in my little sewing box. I wonder if that will ever not be a WIP.

Progress as of 9/17/12
2010 Finishes: 23
Don't miss out on my giveaway!

Linking Up:
Right Click to Save ImageQuiltsy WiP


  1. All your projects look wonderful and I love the hexie quilt :)

  2. That is sweet fabric for a baby quilt:)

  3. I agree with Lucy. Lovely colors in all projects!

  4. I love that little table runner. I have been looking to do some small quilting projects like that since making my cat quilt. I think new table linens may be in the future :)

  5. Sew-jo - I like that!

    Lots of lovely projects going on here.

  6. Love your Drunk Zebra pattern, as well as your other quilts you made.

  7. Now that you're feeling better, there sure isn't a shortage of stuff that needs done. Good luck!

    Good job on the hexies, table runner and baby quilts! Very pretty indeed!

  8. lots of great projects on the go - I like what's brewing on your design wall.

  9. Love all of it. I like seeing the pictures on the quilt finish page. I absolutely love the design of Sophie's Quilt. You are great! Glad you are feeling better.

  10. You have a wonderful eye for colour. Beautiful projects!

  11. Sweet hexies! And love that striped binding on your baby quilt.

  12. Lots of projects on the go and your little quilt is just precious .

  13. I really like your colour choices!

  14. You are amazing, I love seeing your work. :)

  15. Cute project! Darling hexies! Would love for you to come share at Quiltstory.blogspot on Tuesdays too!

  16. Your fabric choices are great and I love the WIP on your design wall. Pretty baby quilt and I'd love to see the hexigon piece finished. : )


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