Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rearranged (again)

This past weekend I found something awesome at the thrift store. I'll post about that tomorrow. When we brought it home I realized I had no where to put it, and thus started rearranging my sewing room. I posted last month showing you all my space, and it was nestled all nicely into one side of our big basement room. The other, larger side was the playroom (no pics sorry).

Well I decided to flip the whole room around, and I am so glad I did! 
 This is the view from the doorway. This side of the room is bigger. The lighting is so much better even though the window faces east.
 My design wall (which wasn't around in the previous post, though was above the bookcase) is now really accessible, without a stepladder. All of my shelf/storage stuff is accessible.
And I now have an "office" side. I've got the big blank above my ironing board topped shelf (and ledge, I love the ledge!) for hanging mini quilts, though of course I till need to make all those mini quilts.
I also revamped what fabric is out on the ledge. Rather than my stash, which used to be out, I've pulled out fabrics that have projects designated to them. Now I can't forget about them because they are hidden away in baskets.

It's been a great place to sew already, I love how it's more open and bright, but still right by where my kiddos are (and they still migrate with all their toys over to my area anyway).

After all of this I'm not sure if I'm even going to keep what I found at the thrift store, but more about that tomorrow.

In the meantime. I finished up my little runner. It was fun experimenting with the quilting and I think it gave the simple runner a lot more visual interest and texture.


  1. Great space...can't wait to ser heat you got !

  2. Such a great table runner...very lighthearted and happy!

  3. Looks wonderful! Everything is handy and beautiful!



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