Friday, September 14, 2012

'69 Singer

(Pardon the pictures in my cluttery, wood-chipy garage.)

As I hinted at yesterday, I found something awesome at the thrift store. We don't stop very often, but we've been thinking about possibilities for a new TV stand, like an old refinished dresser or something, so I made my husband stop. There wasn't a single dresser, but there was this table with an odd panel on the table.
This thing seriously caught my eye from 20 feet away and I just zeroed in on it. When I got close I thought Maybe it opens up to a platform for a sewing machine.
But lo and behold....a sewing machine!
Oh, it's a Singer, and it doesn't look too bad.
My husband walks over, starts checking it out with me. We look at the price tag, $30? That's all? He tells me to get it if I want it.
I start opening drawers.
Both are packed full of notions. And look the manual is still there! (Also a scissor sharpener, it doesn't work very well.)
The bottom drawer is twice as deep and had tins in it.
The tins were full of:
Buttons. LOTS of buttons.
 Thread - including a lot on those lovely wooden spools.
 And under the tins some sewing magazines from the '70s!
We were starting to feel like the guys on American Pickers - we just had to have this! And so we bought it. 

And then brought it home and I realized I had no idea where I'd put it. Hence the rearranging of my sewing room. 

The hubby opened up the machine and discovered it was spotless inside, not even a little bit of fuzz or dust. And it runs, though it is kind of whiny. We've already replaced a belt and are waiting on one other little part that was plastic and broke, and is being replaced by a nice metal part. 
But all the feet are there, it even has a really awesome seam guide that screws into the base - that is my husband's favorite feature, he thinks it's much smarter than my 1/4" foot, and not just because it is adjustable. I'm fascinated by the extra plate that you change out rather than lowering the feed dogs.

And the table is in great condition. A little wear on the legs, and the bottom drawer sticks a little, but it is all sturdy and functional. 

I just don't think I'd ever sew on it. And we really don't have room for it - because while I did rearrange my sewing room and there is a spot it could go in, I've been thinking we could use another book case. 
So it'll probably be sold, at a price closer to what it's actually worth (and according to Ebay and other local classifieds, it's significantly more than I paid for it.), but still, it was so exciting to come across such an awesome find at the thrift store. 


  1. OH MY GOD!!!! That is like someone's gift to you!!! That is sooooo AMAZING!!!
    Congratulations!! GREAT FIND!!! :)

  2. i got more & more excited as i scrolled down! the buttons! the notions! the sweet magazine! ahhhhh! what a treat! it would have made the owner smile from ear-to-ear knowing her treasures had been appreciated & loved <3 thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh my goodness! That is so super exciting. :)

  4. I have my mother's 1970 Singer in a similar cabinet. I just had it serviced not long ago. The only problem is that the motor heats up and slows down to a stop after awhile but I love the way it sews. I'll be looking for a replacement soon.

    There should be a hook on the underside for the foot pedal. Once in place you operate the foot pedal by pressing your right leg against a drop down lever. That was very cool when I was a kid.

    1. Thank you Laura! Andrew has played with the whole thing a lot more than I have, and he kept wondering about that lever.


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