Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pardon my silence...

I've been busy working on secret projects that I can't reveal for awhile, but they are AWESOME!

And now I have to take my computer to be hopefully I'll be back to blogging soon enough.

Wait! Maybe not! Thanks Cheryl for this handy link to order a new bottom for my beloved computer.


  1. I love your blog! I am a new follower - found you thru Tracyjay. Love that hexagon quilt and I am inspired to try the star quilt too as I got the same magazine!

  2. Mine did that on the bottom, Apple sent me a knew one free of charge even though my warranty was over.

  3. Bummer about the computer problems! I have an air and its so thin and light I am constantly worried I am going toss it wrong or snap it in half or something. It is my first MAC and after carrying ten tons of PC its a switch. I hope they are able to fix it quick, I need my Happier Than Bird fix. Lol.


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