Friday, August 17, 2012

A Friday Finish!

This morning, while doing the finishing touches on my chicken coop makeover, I discovered we have a little friend living in the space that will eventually hold our garden shed. (Scroll down if you don't like rodents!)
For the past couple of days, I've been wondering if there was something scurrying around out there, but never saw it. And today I saw his little face peeking out from under that stone. My girls are in love and have named him Franky, and my husband gave him some chicken feed, so I guess for now he's here to stay. Although, his next door neighbors are 5 very peckish hens, so we'll see...

Onto the finish!
While my girls are in love with Franky, I am in love with my chicken coop!
Both blocks came from my Farmer's Wife book, the block on the left is Farmer's Daughter, and the one on the right is Country Farm. I left a space above them where I could write something...what has yet to be determined. Maybe "Farm Fresh Eggs 25 cents" or some clever name for a flock of chickens. We're taking suggestions, so if you have one leave it in the comments.


  1. Oh poo. You didn't like "don't count your chickens" or "why did the chicken cross the road" :D!!!

    1. psh....I was blogging as you were sharing those suggestions ;)

  2. LOVE the coop!

  3. You are so incredibly creative!


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