Monday, January 9, 2012

Farmer's Wife Week 2

Don't forget about the Flickr group! I love seeing the blocks that everyone is making! And if you blog post a link in the comments.
Block 4 - Basket Weave
Block 6 - Big Dipper
Tips for the week:
If you are using the templates to cut out each piece, write the measurement on them. It'll make cutting faster and easier. Especially with the triangles! There is some forumla for half square triangles, but I can't I just traced it onto some paper, then flipped it, traced again making a square and measured the square! So template 12 can be cut from a 3" square!

Next weeks blocks: 10 and 20!


  1. Great tips. Thanks. I'm such a fabric dork, this morning was like Christmas morning for me. I could wait to see your blocks and to share my own. I blogged about week 1 & 2.

    Your blocks are beautiful :)

  2. My blocks are done but I haven't had a chance to take pictures yet- hopefully soon :)


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