Thursday, August 1, 2013


{EDIT - Pretend this tells you about all sorts of narcissistic busyness. =) Like how to do we live without iPhones but why do they cost so much money?! And hey look I got a new car I get to drive for the next 20 years! It's a Honda Civic my 3 year old named Dora. I want to live in it. I probably don't get Christmas presents for 20 years either. =) }
My Civic
{Edit. Because of all of my narcissistic busyness...} I've only managed to sew one 16" pillow in the last week. Seriously I started it last Friday and here we are Thursday afternoon, and it is finally done. But it is awesome! 
TARDIS pillow
I used the same TARDIS block pattern I used on the back of Starry Samhain Night (pattern free HERE on Craftsy by Trillium Designs), which finishes at 12.5" I added some borders to make it 16" so the TARDIS wouldn't end up curving around the pillow too much. For the TARDIS I used 
Bella Solids Nautical Blue (9900 236) and Navy Sketch fabric, I think the texture turned out perfect.
The pillow is going to my cousin Annie of Spiffing Jewelry (and if you are a Doctor Who fan you need to go check out her awesome collection of Doctor Who inspired jewelry (plus so much other awesome stuff)!! Let her know I sent you!)


  1. Nice car and I love the color :) Enjoy it and drive carefully.

  2. Your Tardis pillow is awesome - I really need to make one for my Dr Who obsessed friend!

  3. Congratulations on he new car and iPhone, I just upgrade myself and love it! Enjoy! Oh and the pillow is very nice.

  4. They good thing about the car is that it will still be running in 20 years :) We have 2 hondas and love them, one is 6 years old and has 183K/mi on it and have had no issues with it at all.

    1. The dealer told me about a guy who put 1 million miles on his Honda...I should google and see if that story is real....can you imagine 1 million miles?!

    2. It is a true story!!

  5. Yay for your car! Love the pillow, well done!

  6. Yay for your new car! Love the pillow, it looks great, well done!

  7. Replies
    1. I just checked my color card and it's Bella Solids Nautical Blue 9900 236
      {editing post now}


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