Friday, June 1, 2012

Thank You Giveaway!

As promised my giveaway is here. Thank you for the feedback for what I should giveaway - and I did decide to go handmade again. =)
So without further ado - the prize....
This is a 28" square mini quilt. You could use it as a wall hanging, or a table topper, or a mini baby blanket, or whatever the heck you want! This little quilt was the first time I didn't follow a pattern and just kind of went for it. And I had some fun with colored thread quilting. =)

So to win...only the first option is mandatory to win, the others are if you want extra entries. Giveaway ends on June 10, 2012 Good luck!

(If the link to Etsy is not working, just click here

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. awesome giveaway and congrats on getting over 100 fans!

  2. What an awesome give away! I'm going to decorate my craft room/office in turquoise and red and I have to admit this would look great hanging on the wall!

  3. This is a fab giveaway, thank you. I love anyhting made in turquoise especially. Congrats on getting over a 100 fans too.

  4. So pretty - love the colored thread quilting!

  5. Thank you for the giveaway!

  6. nice colors, especially the diferent threads used to quilt it.

  7. Congratulations! And that's a lovely little quilt! :)

  8. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway - the quilting is beautiful!

  9. Thanks, lovely quilt and giveaway, kathy

  10. What a fabulous giveaway! :)

  11. That is so pretty, thank you for such a wonderful give away

  12. Such a beautiful little quilt. Thank you for the chance to win. The colors are so pretty and your stitching colors shown are so fun to have them matching the fabrics.

  13. thank you so much! I am sorry I can't enter the FB likes, I don't have an account there!

  14. The enter to win button isn't working for me. But, this is a lovely quilt!


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