Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Change of Plans

Thanks to those of you who responded on my Farmer's Wife thread, and I am happy to hear that there are still people watching/following along. You may have noticed the complete lack of Farmer's Wife the past few weeks, honestly I haven't even thought of sitting down and making a block.
Right now I am working my butt off on a custom order quilt (with plans of developing it into a pattern, which means too much time staring at my computer screen, and then testing out the pattern again), and I have 4 more requests for custom quilts. On top of those exciting prospects there are a few quilts I want to make for myself, tops I need to get quilted for my shop...etc.
So I think for the time being Farmer's Wife is going to be very sporadic. Maybe some days I'll knock out 4 blocks and then you won't see any again for 2 months. I'll keep posting, and I'd love to see the progress you all are making in the blocks, so please continue to share them in the Flickr group.
Thanks friends!


  1. How exciting!! I can't wait to see them. I'm also Farming, but have had so many other projects demanding my time. I was just thinking how I need to get back on that horse haha. I hope you had a nice weekend.

  2. Can't wait to see more, your work is always amazing!

  3. I'm enjoying looking at the pretty pictures on your blog (found you via Amy's contest) but I can hardly read the text. You might want to make it a little bigger for us older people (I laugh as I say that because I'm only 43, and have very good close up eyesight!)


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