Monday, June 11, 2012

I ❥ Hexies

I've made 2 hexagon quilts in the past, you all know about my mini hexie quilt that was made with the 2" hexagons
And if you've browsed through my older quilt you'll have seen Clara's Flower Garden, which I made with 3" hexies (plus micro hexies for the label)

There are so many amazing hexagon quilts out there, I've become consumed with them. Want proof?
I have 3 different hexie projects in the works. One is going to be another min quilt similar to the above with Lucy's Crab Shack, with 2" hexies. Next is 1" hexies in Dress Up Days, finally 1/2" hexies out of scraps. That last one will probably be something that will never get done but I like to think I could accomplish it. I'll keep you appraised of the progress of things as I go. =) 
Happy Monday everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I love hexis as well. I wish I had more time to play with them. They are amazing and watching them grow into a project is like heaven!!!


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