Sunday, June 10, 2012

And we have a winner

Thank you to everybody who came by for the 100 Fans Giveaway!
The winner is:

I hope you'll all stick around as we get back to our regularly scheduled program, and hopefully a lot more blogging. I have a lot of great things in mind, I just need to get them out there. 


  1. Congrats Sara!

  2. I got the quilt in the mail yesterday. Oh, it's SO cute! My hub's even started to use it right away, it's on our dining table. Hope you don't mind, I shared it on my blog I was so excited. :), if you want to check it out.

    Thanks again for the beautiful quilt!

    1. Thanks for the blog post Sara, that is sweet. I am glad you guys like it, I like your husband jumped right in, lol.


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