Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July! (and an awesome finish)

First off Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans. We love the 4th of July around here, all the patriotism and red white and blue and fireworks.
But 4 years ago our first child came into the world with a bang on the 4th of July (unexpected, she wasn't due for another month), and she's been keeping us on our toes ever since. Also, she thinks the fireworks are all for her, though we are trying to explain Independence Day to her as well.
This is just a quick phone pic, but I wanted to share what I've been slaving away at for her for the past few weeks, really cutting it close finishing up the last bit of hand quilting (hard to see in the photo but there are doodles done in perle cotton) late last night.
More pictures to come soon.


  1. The quilt looks fantastic! Great job!!!

  2. It is fabulous! Up close with the embroidery is even better!

  3. That quilt is amazing!


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