Thursday, May 24, 2012


Typography From Andre Beato
When I proposed the idea of doing a giveaway if I reached 100 fans by 100 posts I had no idea I'd be participating in SewMamaSew's Giveaway Day. And do you see that number over there ----> It's at 104 as I type this post. My facebook followers have grown like crazy as well. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. =) I hope all you new followers will stick around and become friends. 

We are about to head out on our first family vacation ever! (I've been married for 7 years, have an almost 4 year old and 2 year old - it is about time!) When I get back I'll announce the new giveaway. But I'd like feedback from you all.
Would you prefer something else handmade or would you prefer a beautiful bundle of fabric? Or something else? Leave your thoughts in the comments and they'll be taken into consideration. 

Again, thank you all for coming by, and please stick around - once the contests have ended we'll get back to quilting goodness. =)


  1. something hand made!!! you make such beautiful things, it would be awesome to have one of your creations :)

  2. Definitely handmade! Have fun on your trip!

  3. Congratulations, that's great! And remember that you probably have more followers than the google counter is showing. For example, I have been following your blog via my wordpress reader. :)

    I think either giveaway would be great, however I think my vote would go for something handmade. Personally if I won fabric I would really love it, but probably use it to make a gift for somebody else. I often give handmade items to others but don't often receive them (or make them for) myself and receiving a handmade item is just so special...

    Have a great vacation!!

  4. fabric is always wonderful - but i agree with the others <3 handmade is sweet & special. thanks again - have a great weekend!!!

  5. Love, Love, Love handmade! I just so enjoy following you and am glad that I found you!
    Enjoy your Vaca!!

  6. Something handmade is always much nicer to receive. :)

    Have a great, safe trip away.


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