Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WIP Wednesday

In Progress:
Farmer's Wife of course!

Chocolat table topper, just need to finish binding.

Roots and Wings, quilting has begun.
Finished since last week:
Summer Breeze Quilt
Shangri-La Quilt top 1/3/12
7th Anniversary gift for my husband 1/4/12
Close up of heart

This week's stats:
Completed Projects: 2 fully, 1 partially
Works in Progress: 3 active
2012 Challenge


  1. I just adore that quilt for hubby!

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog, Sweet Blessings! Nice to "meet" you! :)

    These quilts are beautiful! I love quilts, wish I could do this, but have never taken the time to learn. One day...

  3. The gift to your husband is absolutely beautiful.


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