Monday, January 16, 2012

Farmer's Wife Week 3

Block 10 - Bowtie 
Block 20 - Churn Dash
Next week we are going to do 3 blocks. I think it may be better to knock things out in 1 year rather than drag it on into next year, so there will be a few weeks we will do 3 blocks. 

Next weeks blocks: 15, 31, & 39
I hope things aren't too challenging for any of our beginners yet, feel free to ask any questions you have about piecing. Plus I've been avoiding anything too difficult, because I will use paper piecing on them, and we are currently without printing capabilities (does anybody have a good black ink only printer they'd recommend? We are tired of blowing through colored ink, then our printer not allowing us to print in black ink only until we replace the color ink.)

And if you have my button ---> I just updated the link so it takes you to the right page, so if you could please update the link on your blog I would appreciate it!! Thanks!


  1. Love your blocks. I haven't even started on mine yet this week, I've been completely consumed with not smoking and instead working out and doing a lot of praying. I'm have a hard time sitting at my machine.

  2. Eek, I have to catch up! I picked fabric for last weeks, but still need to do them. I have my book now so I think it will go better than week 1.

  3. Hey I posted an update on all of my projects on my blog over the weekend! It looks like I am not the only one who's center square was off. That makes me feel better because I had a terrible time with that. It looked like such a simple block but the lining up was trickier than I anticipated. I loved Churn Dash though- probably my favorite block so far!

  4. Yeah...the bowtie was a pain. I had cut out the 3 1/2" square thinking I could figure it out, but nope. I ended up tracing the line from the template onto it, and then lining up the small triangle with it for sewing, but still ugh!
    Churn dash was fun, I struggled with fabric selection for it for some reason, I am happy with how it turned out though.

    I'm secretly happy (ok not every one else's basket weaves are wonky. I don't know what is up with that block! It should be easy, but for some reason it does NOT want to be straight and even!


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