Wednesday, December 28, 2011

WIP Wednesday

This is my first WIP Wednesday, I am getting a kick start on my new year's goals.

While my WIP list is ever long, I am happy to report progress!

I finished my Chloe's Closet 1600 jelly roll quilt
 I also threw together a quick custom quilt for a friend.
 Yay reversible jelly roll quilts! They make me happy.

I also completed the applique on my Blooms for Annabelle quilt, I need to purchase batting so that project is now on hold.

I started quilting the Roots & Wings quilt.

This week's stats:
Completed projects: 2
New projects: 1 (Farmer's Wife, woot woot!)
Works in progress: 23


  1. I love the blue and yellow!

    I would love to see a post on how you organize all of these quilts. Maybe some pictures of your sewing area??? :)

  2. I'll work on it Heidi. =)


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