Monday, June 25, 2012

Something new

I'm sure you've all seen the awesomeness that is quilting with perle cotton now. If not, here is a taste of a couple of my favorites.

Six White Horses whole cloth quilt.
Three Kitchen Fairies Single Girl Quilt
Gran Flakes
Happy Zombie's Gran Flakes
I've been working on a quilt for Katy's 4th birthday. It is going to be fabulous! And I don't want to show off the whole thing just yet (though if you follow me on instagram you'll have seen some tidbits), but I did want to show off some of the hand quilting I've doing... {pardon the crappy formatting, I have no idea what blogger was doing)
Watch for more on instagram. 


  1. That tic tac toe is so fun!

  2. Beautiful quilting. I've yet to try perle cotton on my quilting but you've inspired me to try!

  3. Wow, everything looks wonderful!
    And happy zombies quilt is so bright and nice!


  4. Love your photos of the stiching! Fabulous!


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