Sunday, December 15, 2013

Summer Sky

Summer Sky
I blogged about this quilt HERE, but to recap. Summer Sky is a quilt I began about 3 years ago. It was intended to be for my bed, but I changed my mind. It sat unfinished all of that time, but I've been majorly cleaning out and purging old projects, old fabric, etc. and I realized I need to just get this done.
I love it, I think it is a very beautiful design, but I think I was right that it wasn't the right quilt for our bed.
I free-motion quilted it using a basic larger scale meander pattern. Some spots are less than perfect, but overall I think it turned out really well. I know I won't improve unless I practice. =)
I have gifted this quilt to my Aunt and Uncle for Christmas. It fits perfectly in their home, and was probably intended for them all along, I just didn't realize it. =)

The quilt finished at approx 74" square. I used Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 Batting. The fabric is from Bar Harbor by Minnick & Simpson for Moda.


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