Sunday, November 24, 2013

Palatina Pillow

A month ago I shared my Palatina Mini Quilt during the Blogger's Quilt Festival. As I was making it my wonderful friend Tracey was gushing over it, and I knew right away I just needed to make her one. She has a thing for chubby stars. I picked out a pretty color palette, sorted out my low volume background, and got to work. (There is a lovely tutorial for this pillow that can be found here on There's a Thread.)
Palatina Pillow Palatina Pillow
The crosses were hand appliqued in place, and I hand quilted inside the chubby stars, but left the edges un quilted. I machine quilted just inside the edge of the crosses to give them some more reinforcement (though doing so I realized I could have just machine stitched them on in the first place. Oh well.).
Palatina Pillow
I used matching thread for all of the machine stitching which made for a really pretty background!
Palatina Pillow
The pillow cover fits a 24" pillow form, which is a lovely size for a kiddie floor cushion. Miss B made sure to test it out. =)
Palatina Pillow
I have plans of making one for myself very soon. Though I don't think it will involve any hand work this time around.


  1. This is beautiful, I love it!

  2. it's magical. :)
    You put so much love in this! THANK YOU!
    it'll be fun to make something for your family too!


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