Thursday, October 24, 2013

Starry Samhain Night {Blogger Quilt Festival}

I finished this quilt earlier this year for my wonderful friend Becky. You can read more about it here, but I wanted to share it again as my entry for the throw category in the Blogger's Quilt Festival
Starry Samhain Night Starry Samhain Night Back Starry Samhain Night TARDIS
The quilt measures 53.5" x 72". I used Hobbs 80/20 Batting and quilting with concentric circles - the combination gave the quilt an amazing texture. The quilt was inspired by this one from Nova Made. The TARDIS block pattern can be found here


  1. The quilting on this quilt is so perfect. love the quilt

  2. Such a gorgeous quilt and the quilting is just perfection!

  3. I love this one so much! The colors, quilting, design just so pretty.

  4. The quilting on this is just stunning! I don't watch Dr. Who, but the placement of the Tardis combined with the quilting design on the back is so fun!

  5. Wonderful design - I really like it :)

  6. you did such an amazing job on this quilt! I just love it!!

  7. The front is wow! The back is awesome. And the quilting on this one absolutely makes it - it brings the back and front together like their caught in a marvellous vortex... Simple and stunning!

  8. Stunning! And I love the detail on the back! Excellent circle quilting and love the way you changed the shape in the center in order to hug the sliver of moon!

  9. OMG. This quilt is amazing on SO MANY LEVELS. I loved the front as it was... but then the back...! AH! Everything about this quilt is awesomeness!

  10. Love it, and the quilting is perfect!

  11. Love it! The tardis on the back totally took me by surprise. It was an added bonus on a quilt I already liked.

  12. Love this, fab job on the quilting, and the Tardis totally makes it!

  13. Fantastic quilt, the Tardis spinning away on the back is awesome.

  14. Love everything about this!

  15. Beautiful quilt. I absolutely love the tardis on the back.

  16. oh my gosh! I loved the front and then saw the back and now the whole thing even MORE!! Fantastic!!

  17. This is so pretty!

  18. What a quilt! Fabulous.

  19. Love the design, and especially the quilting!

  20. I love this. The design is just so cool and the quilting is amazing. Wow!!!

  21. Totally stumbled onto this post today. I love this quilt!!! You did an incredible job, and I adore the Tardis on the back. Brilliant :)


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