Saturday, December 8, 2012

Neverland Pirates!

Sorry I've been so quiet lately, I've just been busy working away on projects and not taking much time to sit down at the computer.
I do have a finish to share!
My 2.5 yo daughter is in LOVE with Jake & the Neverland Pirates. She declares she is going to marry Jake, and sleeps with a plush doll, calls everything she does "Neverland Pirates...*fill in the blank*" - such as "Neverland Pirate boots" and "Neverland Pirate noodles". She renamed her beloved stuffed lamb Bo "Izzy" after the girl on the show. Seriously OBSESSED!
I've had a sweet little bundle of Sarah Jane's Out to Sea girly colorway sitting around since it was released, never sure what I was going to do with it. When my daughter discovered the pirate girls fabric she fell in love with the "Neverland Pirate fabric" and demanded a "Neverland Pirate quilt", so I set to work on something quick any easy (because really, who has time to just throw together a quilt during December? {ok, apparently I do, because I just took on 2 custom orders, though only one if for Christmas}). Without further ado - the Neverland Pirates quilt:
"Neverland Pirates"
I took a ton of 3" squares and just went to town.
I pieced 4-patch blocks, then joined them into rows, then sewed the rows together.
The beginning was tedious and then it went really quick. 
Neverland Pirates
I had planned on appliqueing a bunch of hexies on the front - from the ships and pirates and mermaid prints, but when I went to do that it just didn't look as cute anymore, so I only added one, Jane, the captain.
Neverland Pirate back
I had enough of that cute narwhal print for the whole backing,
but I wanted to include so of that "Neverland Pirate girls" so I pieced the back.
I quilted with a wavy line - did you know you can do that with a walking foot?
I just learned that a couple of weeks ago, it's my new favorite!
My daughter is very happy with her new quilt. Now I'm just hoping I can get a pink stuffed narwal form Mochi Studios before Christmas.


  1. Adorable! Pink & black is such a great combo. Good luck with the narwal...

  2. That's adorable! I bet she just adores it!!!

  3. Wow! Fantastic quilt, so beautiful and sweet!



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