Friday, July 27, 2012

The Largest Quilt She's Ever Made - In Which I Unpick A LOT

Remember Wednesday? How much progress I made, how smoothly things were finally going with this quilt? 

I woke up so excited yesterday, sure that I would have the quilt top pieced together and maybe even have a border added on before dinner time. 
I jumped right in to sewing. Maybe before I wasn't all the way awake . Or I was distracted by my cute children. Or I could blame the fact that I am still getting used to my new machine and the fact that it is smarter than I am. 
Either way, I started sewing. And I sewed all of my rows together for the second half of the quilt. Then I started sewing the rows onto the body of the quilt. I was about 1/4" through sewing the second row onto the quilt when I noticed my seam allowance looked a little bit. It was. And had been for the past 3 hours of sewing. 
My new machine has this lovely little feature where I just have to push 2 buttons and it sets the needle 1/4" from the edge of my foot. A very perfect 1/4" (unlike my old machine's 1/4" foot attachment that apparently is too generous and has already caused me problems with this quilt). 
So after getting super upset at the quilt for the umpteenth time, I walked away. Instead I spent the day moving all of my girls toys into the far side of my studio and tiding up their rooms. I think it was a good move considering all of their toys would migrate out of their rooms anyway as they came to be with me. Maybe our house will be a little less chaotic now - or at least the chaos will be confined to the basement. =) 

And yesterday evening I tucked in and started unpicked - well ripping, cutting, tearing would be more like it. My wonderful husband sat with me and helped pull off all the stray threads. We both ended up covered. And what took about 3 hours to sew took almost as long to undo. =( 
Do you think I can still meet my goal of getting it done by the 28th? I sure hope so.


  1. You are the best, so I have no doubts...:)

  2. You are the best, so I have no doubt:)

  3. Sure ! You are focused and I can't wait to see it!
    Good Luck to you!!

  4. Of course you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Of course you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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