Monday, July 23, 2012

Antique Double Wedding Ring Quilt

My mom recently took a trip out to visit her mother, and to help her get her house in order for a big move. My grandma was getting rid of a lot of things, and one of the things she decided not to keep was this beautiful, antique double wedding ring quilt made by my great-grandmother (shock!! why in the world would you not keep it?!). Thankfully my mom did not let that thing go and brought it back home with her instead. (I'm jealous. So very jealous. I've voiced very loudly, and probably a bit whiny, that I want it and I demand to inherit it.)
 And boy is it beautiful! It is hand pieced and hand quilted, by a skilled quilter. Unfortunately time has not been kind to it. There are spots where seams have come undone, a few stains, and most heartbreaking of all a hole that was chewed through it by some sort of critter. =*(
 So while I am partly just showing it off in this post - I am also wondering if anybody out there knows how to find an antique quilt restorer or about getting quilts appraised. We'd love some help! Just leave a comment or send me an email (I am in Utah if that helps).
 And now you can all hope with me, that one day this gorgeous quilt will be in my home. =)


  1. I do hope you find someone that can help restore that for you! =)

  2. You might be interested in Tim Latimer's blog - he restores quilts (for his own use). timquilts

  3. You might be intereeted in Tim Latimer's blog. He restores quilts (mostly for his own use, I think). Tim Quilts

  4. I just read an article in my AQS magazine about quilt appraisers! I will try to find for you!


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