Sunday, May 13, 2012

Farmer's Wife?

Just curious if anybody is still out there working along with me or if I should abandon the project.
Please comment and let me know!


  1. I like watching your progress even though I am not following along. I love your fabric choices and you are doing a great job!

  2. I haven't been doing the QAL..but love watching yours ;)!

  3. I have been watching your progress, but doing the blocks in any order depending on the day and how I feel.

  4. I'm following along but not making the blocks right now. I thought I was going to start the quilt after Christmas but four baby quilts have taken my attention away! I don't think I'll get to it until late summer or fall but I have the book and material - just not the time, darn it! I really enjoy what you're doing.


  5. I love watching the progress...don't give up:)

  6. I have been following. Started my own Farmer's wife quilt. I only have 14 blocks done - love being inspired by your progress.


Your comments are appreciated!
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