Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just Three For April

Just 3 button
I'm excited to be joining in with traceyjay quilts for Just Three for April. We all know I have a mammoth list of projects I dream of finishing this year, so focusing on 3 goals this month will help keep me in line. 

So my 3 - 

You may have noticed the font on my header has changed. When I decided to start watermarking my photos (so I can re-enter the world of Pinterest but still get credit for my hard work) I found this super adorable font called "Cupcake" which looks like free-motion quilting cursive to me. And I've embroidered a few quilt labels using the font. I seriously just love everything about it! And as I was embroidering those labels I realized how amazing (and appropriate) it would be to embroider my blog header! So that is project number one.

Project 2 is a quilt I have been making for myself, that I now don't know if I am going to keep for myself (fickle quilter that I am...I've got about 5 other things in mind for myself now, lol), it is called Charming Stars and I am using MoMo's Just Wing It! like. The stars are almost done. My goal will be to get the quilt top done by the end of the month, though ideally I'd have the whole thing finished. We'll see.
And finally, a really old UFO. I made this quilt top about 5 years ago when I was still working in a quilt shop and was so in love with Sandy Gervais' Anticipation line (I bought the last fat quarter bundle the shop had). So my goal is to finally get this quilted, which will be a fun new challenge because those little triangles are picots that I'll need to quilt around.


  1. Love that you're embroidering your blog name! Both quilts are so pretty.

  2. Beautiful quilts! Good luck with your April goals!

  3. great goals! Thanks for linking up... I like all of them; your embroidered labels are awesome. I haven't seen that Anticipation line yet, but that quilt is really cute!

  4. Love these projects! I'm excited to see how it goes. One of my three this month is made from Just Wing It too! I did a drunkard's path quilt with the fabric and now I just have to bind it. I love how great your stars look! Such a great collection.

  5. Love that you are embroidering your blog name...I am hoping to make a quilt for my room someday with my logo ;)!


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