Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I apologize for the lack of Farmer's Wife posts. I am behind, almost caught up and will post the last 2 weeks when they are finished.
I have a whole list of excuses - the biggest being laziness. But my husband has also been out of town for a few weeks, with another to go. My girls and I all got hit witha  doozy of a cold, and they are now on their second round of illness in the last few weeks. The weather has actually been nice enough to spend time outside, so I've taken them on long walks and burned a few calories for myself (esp since I haven't been going to the gym as I believe the daycare is the culprit for the illness). Swoon has been taking up the little floor space I have in my studio as I've been marking it for quilting. But generally that laziness is winning over and I can't bring myself to sit at the sewing machine for that much time each day. Also I should deep clean my kitchen.

I'll get back into the swing of things, and keep on posting. Meanwhile if anybody is caught up, just keep up with the list and maybe give me a kick in the pants to get on track, or even ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes laziness wins! That was me the past two weeks...I feel a bit energized recently. Now I don't have any time!


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