Thursday, February 23, 2012


Have you heard about QuiltCon? It is taking place in Austin, Texas, February 21-24, 2013 and is the first conference and quilt show of The Modern Quilt Guild.

I know it is a year away, and being an Army wife I can't plan anything in advance - but this time I am going to! I'll be attending QuiltCon, and am already so excited!
I've only been to one small quilt show when we were living in Monterey, CA and I thought it was so much fun, even though I only spent a couple of hours because I'd brought my husband along with me. I've never managed to do a Shop Hop (small children don't really care for that kind of thing. Actually non-quilters of any age wouldn't care for that kind of thing.), which has also been something I really wanted to do (and planned on this year, but of course my husband has a training then, so I'll just stop by a few shops like usual). But a trip away to QuiltCon, just for me!! PLEASE!

So now I get to start saving up my money. Let's hope for some sales on Etsy!

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