Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ooh Vintage Modern how I love you!

.... But I will NOT buy any. I will not!!

So I'll just drool over this picture as I await the Fat Quarter Shop 2012 Designer Mystery Block of the month to begin in June (Happy Birthday to me!!)


Just look at that adorable corner! Would you have thought to put flying geese at the corner of a quilt border? I sure would not have!

I know it is months away, but I am already excited to see the quilt come together. I made their 2008 mystery quilt, and it is one of my favorites, though was definitely one of the most challenging quilts I've made...stars as cornerstones!! The designers at Fat Quarter Shop are just awesome!
Alright, time to stop playing. I have a custom embroidery order I need to get to work on, I need to finish sewing borders on Swoon, play with my wee ones, and watch Downton Abbey.


  1. I love Vintage Modern as well, I can't wait!

  2. I finished Downton Abbey the other night and saw so sad! :( I have 2 Mystery BOM's I need to finish... /smacks forehead! I'll let you know if I have Vintage Modern scraps -- but seriously girl, you need to design something for the Bake Shop and get some of that for yourself! :)


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