Friday, December 2, 2011

Farmer's Wife Quilt-a-Long

On January 2nd I will be starting a Farmer's Wife Quilt-a-Long, even if I end up going at it alone.

For those of you who don't know about the Farmer's Wife Quilt, here is the book.

The Details:
Starting Monday, January 2nd I will post the 2 completed blocks I have made. And I will post the block number for the blocks I will be making for the following week.

Blocks 1 and 2 will be blocks 1 and 2 in the book from page 128 and page 129. I don't know that I will work my way through the book, or if I will jump around, I guess it will depend on how challenging the blocks are.

The book does come with a disk that has templates for cutting the pieces, but if you print them you would print an entire piece of paper from one little square (I wish there were measurements). It is a pain. So instead I found two other options in the farmerswifesampler Yahoo! group.
Somebody has compiled all of the temples into a pdf file (*note) so you won't waste a lot of paper printing them out. I was originally planning on using this method, and have them all printed, and I have already spray adhesived them to cereal boxes for a bit of stability. I am still cutting them out, there are a ton of pieces!
The Yahoo! group also has paper piecing templates (*note) for all of the blocks, which I am not considering, because I do love how perfect paper piecing looks. Though you do waste a lot of fabric. I am not sure, maybe I'll play around with both ways, esp since I am almost done with the first method.

Anyway, get your fabric, tell your friends and get ready for January 2nd! And Merry Christmas!

*note - you must have a yahoo login to access these links.


  1. I've had this on my list. Still need to get the book and decide on fabrics. I'd like a scrappy/collected over time look but still complimentary. Does that even make sense? haha I doubt I'll have my stuff together at the new year but it will be fun to see yours come together. :)

  2. I just ordered the book. I will be late starting, but I will try to join you!

  3. Katie you can keep up if you use the templates from the yahoo group. I'll be posting the # for the templates needed for each block for those who don't have the book. (lol major use of the word for)

  4. I got my blocks done tonight! This is going to be one crazy quilt I think, as I am using scraps from lots of different projects. ;)

  5. Dixie - I can't wait to see it, scrappy would be really fun!

  6. and make sure you add photos to the fickr group


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